這部特別的紀錄片以【尋找方向】【我的家人】【重大抉擇】【未來志向】四個篇章來闡述四位失聰者的心路歷程及面對的挑戰。 【上集】四歲大的迪倫, 出生後就失聰, 父母決定不讓他學手語, 免得終生要靠手語溝通。父母教他用語言溝通, 並戴...

聽障的有聲世界 This is what I hear

Edward G. Conture, Ph.D. Edward G. Conture, Ph.D., of Vanderbilt University discusses current data-based approaches to the assessment and treatment of preschool children who stutter. Conture discusses current theroreti...

Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Stuttering

Stuttering: Basic Clinical Skills This 2+ hour (128 minutes) DVD demonstrates speech management strategies tohelp you work effectively with children and adults who stutter. Chapters include: Exploring talking and stut...

Stuttering: Basic Clinical Skills

Cluttering Kenneth St. Louis, Ph.D. and Florence Myers, Ph.D. This 42 minute DVD demonstrates cluttering and should help you work more effectively with children and adults who clutter. Chapters include: Most common s...


Therapy in Action: The School-Age Child Who Stutters Conture, Guitar et al. This 38-minute DVD is an excellent resource and teaching tool for speech-language pathologists as well as teachers, parents, and physicians. C...

Therapy in Action: The School-age Child Who Stutters

One of the all-time greats from the 70's! Therapy in Action - featuring Dr. Charles Van Riper Charles Van Riper, Ph.D. One of the all time greats in actions! This classic series of nine films on one DVD shows Dr. Char...

Therapy in Action - Dr. Charles Van Riper (Adult stuttering therapy)


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