
仿生科技創作家 Bionic Builders

在“仿生製作家”中,被截肢的好萊塢特技演員凱西皮爾特,跟他的工程師合作夥伴比爾斯帕奇爾一起創造、測試和製作誇張的義肢,讓他們的客戶有超人類的能力,同時試著幫他們填補生活中缺少的部分,特技表演者跟店員凱希布羅克喜跟他們一起,試著幫一位前海軍潛水員做人體魚雷,還有幫一位武術教練做一隻仿生打擊手臂。 In "Bionic Builders", Hollywood stuntman and amputee Casey Pieretti works with his engineering partner Bill Spracher to invent, test and build outrageous prosthetics that allow their clients to surpass human ability while attempting to replace a missing part of their lives. Along with stunt performer and shop assistant Kathy Borkoski, the team tries to turn a former Navy diver into a human torpedo and give a one-handed martial arts instructor his very own bionic punching arm.