
解析未來智能住宅 Deconstruction: House of the Future

誰不會想要有一間聰明的房子、未來感的房子呢?一間使用最新高科技,來讓我們有健康、舒適、娛樂、與世界保持聯繫同時又省錢的房子。本節目將探索未來的房子。從機器人透過電腦藍圖建房子,到看似屋頂瓦片的太陽能板,到可以互相溝通的家庭用品,未來家居可以帶來的舒適、功能和結構是令人難以置信的。擁有高科技的電腦合成影像,動手示範和主持人史蒂夫漢門的獨特見解,你不會想錯過看未來的房子的機會。 Who wouldn't want a smart house, a House of the Future? One that uses all of the technology we can muster to keep us healthy, comfortable, entertained, connected and which also saves us money. This program explores the future of homes, everything from robots who build houses based on computerized blueprints to solar panels disguised as roof tiles, to household appliances that talk to each other. The possibilities for future household comfort, function and construction are incredible. Featuring high-tech computer generated images, hands-on demonstrations and the unique insight of host Steve Hanneman, you don't want to miss this look at the amazing House of the Future.